Saturday, April 4, 2015

Religious Freedom or just abusing ones right to act like an A$$HOLE

The West Bureau Baptist Church.
I don't even need to go from there, I have already inspired enough hate to get people to comment on this post. It could take me hours to go over all the things they do to inspire hate. Doing a quick web search and your first three Google reviews are not in favor of the organization. Accusations that they are just trying to get attention, that they are not real Christians and no real christian should support them, and finally that founder Fred Phelps is the one who will rot in he!!. No origination has ever gained so much hate because no origination relishes it so much. They don't care who they pi$$ off because their belief in their cause is so unshakable that they just see peoples hate as attention. Their web site is called "". The one kernel of respect I can muster for them is how steadfast they are to their beliefs, but then some people are allowed to hate certain people for being devout so why not me. I will personally say I feel these people are scum and their thinking isn't just unneeded in this day and age, it has never been needed. They have however managed to cause some good things to happen in the world
These people are so extreme we now have a textbook example of people who go to far, the model for what any group should not be and strives not to be. Respectability politics dictate that any group that becomes hated, especially hated this much, needs a distance placed between them and your group. NOBODY wants to be associated with these wackjobs, and thus any stand they make instantly gets a following in the opposite direction. It very much reminds me of an episode of South Park. The town is to vote on whether or not to change their racist flag. Jimbo and others want to keep it the same to preserve cultural heritage, others just don't want their town associated with their town. However when the issue becomes heated the KKK join in and support the not changing the flag side, not because of heritage but because it is an example of white power. This is the edge the anti-racism side needs because nobody wants to be on the side of the KKK. The lesson learned in the episode is that you can't be so black and white, you need to be able to think of things in different ways. This is the only positive legacy the west bureau baptists can be credited for. Everyone has now seen how ugly hate can be and what they look like when they show hate for others.
Not to sound too hippie, but hate begets hate. Most religions are founded on peaceful grounds, love and peace and all that good stuff we all supposedly believe in. That's why despite being nonreligious myself I support the idea of religion, a push for everyone to get along and love each other. What I hate is religious organizations, people decide that they cannot get along with people who have decided to get along with each other differently.


  1. I think this an interesting point of view. I can understand the idea of West Bureau Baptist Church can create an example of how not to act, but letting their existence as an organization continue as is also promotes other extreme groups to act out as well . . . thus leading further from peace. It all comes down to freedom of speech in their case, and how much Americans care for that freedom.

  2. I could not agree more Leonard. Religious groups such as these give religion a bad name and I agree that religion can be a good thing. I enjoyed the South Park example. Good content man.
